Working Hours Monday - Friday 08:00-16:00
Toll Free 1800.899.900


ASA was appointed for the Worldline Head office at Mumbai. Having completed multiple offices in the same complex, this was added as an extension to the other office spaces.

The office space was planned with full height glazing and linear workstations.

General office area was planned to have maximum transparency and an open office concept by enhancing usage of natural daylight thereby minimizing excessive use of artificial illumination.

Workstation area had grey carpets with orange-colored accents. A combination of rectangular mineral fiber ceiling with open areas with exposed services break the overall monotony creating an informal environment and breaking the structured office mold.

The use of wooden baffle ceiling in the reception area creates an inviting atmosphere for the visitors. Breakout spaces were planned within the office to avoid monotony and add the necessary colour, spark and vibrancy to the office environment.